Today I decided to make my first Give Away.
This beautyful set was produced in the Netherlands about 1940 by a factory named Sola. The forks have a hammered Art Deco motive. The are still in a very good condition.
What to do to win this beautiful set:
1. Write a comment or a nice story. The one who touched my heart the most wil be the winner
2. Put this URL on your own blog or in your Etsy Shop.
Who will the winner be???? You will now it Saturday, May 30
Good luck.
Nice idea. My little story is about my son, Josh. When his little boy turned one, on Mother's Day, his wife walked out and said she didn't want to be a Mother or wife any more. He became a single Dad. She started living with someone and found herself pregnant. She eventually had a little girl. Long store short, he has taken in that little girl. He has her more than she does. He had custody of her for almost one year. I could go on about other things...but time doesn't permit me.
This is a lovely idea granny. The design of your blog and this silver set reminds me of my own grandma (Oma to me.) She was a firey old lady with a thick german accent and fantastic taste. She passed several years ago but we have a lovely set of china from her house that I always love to look at. So if nothing else, thanks for the opportunity to reminisce. Have fun with your darling giveaway and I'll see you in chat!
Granny, you have a nice blog! Here's my little story:
As Easter has just past, I thought of a cute story about my youngest girl. On Easter morning when she was three she had already had some candy when I said she should stop eating and save some for another time. I left the room for a short while and when I came back her mouth was full of chocolate! When I scolded her she said, " I wasn't going to eat it! I was just storing it in my mouth for later!" She definitely has a sweet tooth!
I have a friend on Etsy she sells pillows and comes into chat alot. I met her one late night in chat when the rooms were empty and it was just the 2 us. We got to be good friends. She helped me when I entered my Missy in a contest to raise money for the SPCA to help out less fortunate pets by giving Missy her first donation vote.
A bit later on a friend of mine got sick and she was not able to buy her meds and she was getting sicker. My friend over heard this and without hesitation she send my sick friend some money so she could buy her meds and get better. I think she should be reconized because she is such a wonder and giving person.
Her user name here on Etsy is http://www.accesorizmecrafty.etsy.com
First of all thank to the ones who already placed a story. I love ti read them all.
There also came one in by convo and im so free to place it in here. There are so many good people in this world.
Sent by accesorizmecrafty on April 19, 2009:
that is wonderful. I don't try to come off as a saint or anything it is just the way I was raised. My mother loves the one that Chroma wrote about me, she said it made her heart happy to know that all her hard work has paid off. I truly believe that each of us has a purpose on this earth and i feel mine is to lend a helping hand when the need arises. i love chromas work i have it framed at work, we have made kid games out of it, as for Suebee, i couldnt just sit here and waste money while i knew someone was out there and could have died without a simple medicine. she then sent my daughter a beautiful mermaid key with sea glass for free. it comes back around . i followed your blog and i hope to see the winner. i dont really have a heart story and i dont want to "compete" against my friends. i love your blog but how do you have the time to keep it up? i will post your link in my shop as well. happy dayz
These tiny dessert forks remind me of a story I heard in church. Long story short, this old woman died and in her casket was a dessert fork. Everyone was puzzled by this until the pastor gave the sermon at the funeral. The Christian woman who died had it in her will to have a dessert fork placed by her side to show that the best was yet to come...For her it was heaven, juat as she looked foward to dessert after a meal. I always like that story! ~Jillian
Its a very lovely idea, Grandma. :)
This set of cakeforks reminds me of my Turkish Godmother, Umran Abla. It brought back memories of those days when I was taught how to bake Turkish sweets and food from the simplest ingredients we had in the pantry. Its especially memorable when you grow up a city where most cakes came from a confectionery.
"A dessert is sweeter when you make and share it with your loved ones. It more than a piece of cake when it sweetens the heart."
Granny thanks for the chance for this blog giveaway. My story is about the Greatest Love I ever experienced. To give a bit of background I just turned 30 this year the most happiest birthdays I ever had =) So here's the story goes... I lost my mum at the age of 14, growing up as a teenager was way difficult specially if you're living with a sister that's not a good example. At the age of 18 I got pregnant, after giving birth I had to get a job for my baby. Because the father of my daughter doesn't care about us. I felt that no one really loves me so I didn't care about my life as well. As a young woman I lived in sinful ways. Sex, drugs, abortion, and so on. At 2005 I got my 2nd pregnancy with someone who was hooked into drugs and didn't have a job. But of course whether he likes it or not he has to get a job for the baby. The father of my son and I didn't get a long in many ways... So last year we separated. Until there was this event in our lives that made me seek for God. I asked for repentance for ALL of my sins. I remember I was in a darkroom crying out, and I realized all the sins I have done and confess everything. I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit right there. Jesus Christ washed away the stain of my sins. That was when I knew I was forgiven and saved. Since then my life has changed. I submitted my life to the LORD, continue to worship Him. Not just on this blog but I want to use my story to other people and share them the love of God for all of us. No matter what sins we have done, if we confess He is faithful and will forgive us. He's just waiting for us. That's how much God loves us. His love is incomparable. The greatest.
You know how much God loves me? I didn't realize this until I was forgiven. When I was living a sinful life. The LORD kept on leading me on a right way. But then I refused Him 3 or maybe 4 times. I was so blinded with my ambitions, money, fame, things that will perish but of course I didn't know that during those times. Until now when I worship God, I cry because I can't imagine that He love me even when I was a sinner. His love didn't change. It's truly UNCONDITIONAL.
Hendrick the father of son 2nd child is getting better now compared before. He's not ready yet to submit his life to the Lord but I know it will come, in Jesus name.
When I accepted Christ in my life, I said to myself that he'll be my top priority. I want Him to use me for His people.
This is a good time to share this as well. I have a calling for a mission trip to Tacloban, Leyte Philippines on May 11-16, 2009. Please help me to raise funds. I'm one of the volunteers to help people develop their own livelihood projects. I'm excited to be part of it and share God's. love.
Please visit my shop http://myvintagelolita.etsy.com
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -
Ephesians 2:10
May the good Lord bless every areas of your life each day & be a blessing.
I just posted a link in my shop for this blog =)
Im not in this to compete. I do have tons of stores though. Ill send you a funny one and change it up a bit :) So it was a HOT summer day and me and a couple of friends decided to get a boat and go on the lake. We didnt no to much about boats so we just got the cheapest which was a paddle boat instead of a moter boat. Bad mistake. So we got out there just paddling away, sweating horribly so we took a break, all of a sudden im like guys were is our paddles? were looking around couldnt find them we look over in a distance and they were sinking! This lake you arnt suppose to swim in so we didnt wanna jump in, it's polluted and gross but anyways us three are sitting in the middle of the lake just waiting for someone to come by and see us and bring us in. Finally I took one for the team jumped in the lake so the life guards would come and save us. hahha They didnt no we didnt have paddles they just thought we were tired and decided to rest. Moral of the story I am never getting on another paddle boat again ill pay a few extra dollars for a motor boat :) and we wont have any problems :) but it was a fun adventure.
This is a awesome give away and here I just had stopped by to say hello. Well I do have a story and strangely enough it relates to tiny forks. When my grandmother was alive she had a set of tiny forks that her mother had given her. In the flood of 1993 they were lost. My sister who was to inherit them looked for ever and never found them. So I would give them to her to replace the ones she lost because I still ocassionaly hear her talk of them.
Grandma used to come to visit every summer, and with my Mom, the three generations of women had some hilarious times! We called ourselves the Three Musketeers, and wherever we went, my Grandma would tell the people we met that these were her daughter and granddaughter, and didn't we have good genes!!
Grandma love dessert, and so, we spent many hours sitting in coffee shops and restaurants eating cake and pie and coffee, while Grandma told us stories of her family and her youth, and our tummies always hurt from laughing so hard.
The funniest story she ever told was when she and my aunt were driving out west from Michigan to visit us, and they stopped in some town for a bite to eat.
As they were walking, she said to my aunt, "Well look at that Sharon! That lady over there looks just like me!"
My aunt looked across the street at the mirrored glass building and replied to my Grandma, "Mom, that is you!"
They got to laughing so hard, that they both peed their pants! And when they got back to the car, my Uncle made them wait while he spread newspaper on the seats so they wouldn't leak down to the upholstery!
She wore "poise" pads, and always asked me to "pick up some of them posies when I was at the store"..because we were bound to always have a good laugh while we enjoyed our dessert!
She has been gone now for 5 years, and not a day goes by when I don't think of her while I eat my dessert!
My story is about when my husband and I lived in Seattle. Every morning my husband would walk me to the bus stop to get to work.
There would normally be a few transient people laying on the ground here and there, and this day was no exception.
People would walk by and mind their own business whenever they see people passed out on the street. It was pretty common.
It was middle of winter, and my husband had stopped short of the bus stop when he noticed that one of the transient people on the ground happened to look like a young thin woman, not the normal look of someone we usually would see curled up on the sidewalk.
My husband flagged down someone with a cell phone and called an ambulance. It turned out she was pretty cold, and needed medical attention.
So I reflected on that incident, and wondered what would have happened to the girl if my husband had walked by, like myself and everyone else.
And then I asked myself why we walk by some and not others?
Anyway, that's why it is the story I chose to share, because it ended up good, and made me think :)
What a lovely gesture! My story is about my grandson, Corson, when he was 3 1/2 years old. My husband and I relocated here to help our daughter, as she is a single mother. My parents are both deceased and I have one of my mum's treasures - a Tibetan singing bowl. The bowl has a birds nest in it, with a feather bird and my grandson adores it for some reason. He carries it everywhere with him as he love birds. One easter, they came for dinner and they were early. My niece had dropped of a childs rolling suitcase for him, as her son had outgrown it. My daughter decided to take him for a walk to keep him busy, and he insisted on taking the suitcase. When they got about two blocks away, he looked at his mum and said "sssshhhh! He opened the suitcase and said "TADA"! There was the singing bowl and the bird! My daughter marched him back to our house, to apologize for taking it without asking and all he could say was "Nanny, I take your bird for a walk"! How could I scold him - I just laughed! He's 5 1/2 now and and he still loves that bowl. I think it's wonderful because it makes me think that my mum is close to him, even though she is not here.
Wonderful stories. I know I can't top many of them...so I'm not even going to try!! I do enjoy visiting you blog. Have a great Memorial Day ~Natalie
Thank you all so much for your stories. it was a pleasure tp reed them all. But there only can be one winner and thats Chroma smear.
But...... send me your adres and you wil all resive a little suprise.
love you all
Hello Grndma, my address is Ana Largado, 971 May St., Mandaluyong City, Philippines 1550
Thank you so much for this chance. Good luck to your Etsy shop and stay blessed!
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